Diyan Masalanta, Tagalog Goddess of Love + New Moon in Libra

Artwork by Renz Rubpen

Artwork by Renz Rubpen

Diyan/Dian Masalanta is the goddess of love, childbirth, peace, and the protector of lovers among the ancient Tagalogs. She is a third generation goddess and the youngest of all deities; daughter of Dumakulem, guardian of mountains and Anagolay, the goddess of lost things and sister of Apolaki, the god of war. Her name means "destruction is there", and she is prayed to to stop storms, deluges, and earthquakes. Some say she is an earlier incarnation of Maria Makiling, diwata of Mt. Makiling.

Dian Masalanta, Tagalog Goddess of Love by Abigail L. Dela Cruz

Dian Masalanta, Tagalog Goddess of Love by Abigail L. Dela Cruz

The New Moon tonight in Libra brings us a new cycle wherein we can plant seeds for a brighter, more compassionate, more cooperative future. The Sun is also in Libra, reminding us of our interconnected nature and teaching us about the art of harmonizing with all of our relations. Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, she inspires us to walk with beauty and bring forth our feminine gifts of empathy, love and creativity to bridge a new understanding of ourselves, each other, and the world that surrounds us. As the archetype of the artist or the lover, Libra seeks to create beauty from whatever it has to work with. As you settle into this New Moon, take a deep look at your life, and see the existing opportunities that allow you to turn your challenges into a work of art. It might be stabilizing a relationship, friendship, or professional partnership, or it might take the form of a literal creative endeavor. Whatever it is, this New Moon plants the seeds for increased stability and cooperation in some aspect of your life. What are you looking for in your relationships and partnerships and can they be improved upon? In what areas of your life do you need to implement balance?


Resources: Wikipilipinas

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